Honoring Family Caregivers and Native American Heritage in November

As November closes, we are grateful for so many things. We are grateful for your continued passion and efforts to move systems forward towards ‘there’ that we discussed at the 2023 SELN Annual Meeting themed, “Are We There yet?”. We are also grateful for all those working to support people with disabilities directly in many different ways.

November was National Family Caregiver Month, which brought many resources and demonstration of commitment at the national level to support caregivers in better and more diverse ways than ever before. You can find out more by clicking on a link below:  

We are also very grateful to honor and celebrate National Native American Heritage month in November. Did you know that based on the 2020 Census there are 9.7 million people that identified as American Indian and Alaskan Native, alone or in combination, in the United States? There are 574 federally recognized Indian tribes as of 2023 and 324 distinct, federally recognized American Indian reservations as of 2022. This means there are Native American people with disabilities in your state and their heritage and culture need to be respected and valued as part of their disability services. To find out what more about this population in your state, try out the My Tribal Area tool provided by the United Staes Census Buruea. You can find more resources below:  

Posted by Amy Huppi on Dec 1, 2023 11:24 AM America/New_York


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